Genshin Impact’s Sayu Preview
Genshin Impact’s upcoming banner will feature the newest 4-star character Sayu, a strong Anemo claymore user that can fit in a variety of teams.
Genshin Impact’s upcoming banner will feature the newest 4-star character Sayu, a strong Anemo claymore user that can fit in a variety of teams.
Yoimiya will be the next featured banner character in Genshin Impact, and her kit features a rapid-fire style of gameplay with Pyro damage.
Genshin Impact’s Inazuma update brings a new element for the player character Traveler to wield and they’re surprisingly versatile.
Ayaka will be the first Genshin Impact banner character for the 2.0 Inazuma update, and her unique kit brings a new playstyle to the game.
Genshin Impact recently showcased a preview for its 2.0 update to the Inazuma region, which reveals nine different characters that will appear.
Rolling perfect artifacts in Genshin Impact is close to impossible, but there are things that players can do to ensure they don’t waste resources.
Genshin Impact’s Klee has a unique playstyle that relies on players learning how to animation cancel.